Some Thoughts About The "So Called" Excel97 ODBC Security

From: Wanderley J. Abreu Jr. (stormat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 09 1999 - 17:41:48 PDT

  • Next message: Doug Harple: "Re: user flags in public temp space (was Re: chflags() [heads up])"

    Well... It's very pleasant to see that Microsoft is doing something about
    this issue, but...
    1. My patch was made 6 days ago, and Jimmy Guse's patch (non-gui) was made
    about 3 days before my version was released. (Just in case, my patch is
    available at security focus homepage
    2. This patch only works with MS documents, ignoring all the other types
    that could present the same trouble.
    3. It changes All the 3rd Bytes of EditFlags Entries (All from MS Office
    documents which contain Docking Objects) to 00. It doesn't allow you to see
    what's happening, nor let you change an specific EditFlags Value.
    4. It doesn't include the source code (Of Course), my patch does (Of Course)
    5. It doesn't show you the changes that were made.
    6. You'll have to wait a week more to get the final MS-patch (that probably
    won't correct the DocObject enviroment for other non-microsoft products).
                   So perhaps to the general public this workaround could be
    something good. But to the members of this list ( who might want something
    more complete and see clearly what's happening inside their computers)
    Microsoft MUST do something... better.... far better...
                    I Think Microsoft should take a good look at the workarounds
    that we, the real users, have made and then search for the best solution.

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