Re: [RHSA-1999:028-01] Buffer overflow in libtermcap tgetent()

From: Olaf Kirch (okirat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 12:42:08 PDT

  • Next message: Erik Nielsen: "Re: FW: DCOM attack against NT using VB6"

    On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 03:19:38AM +0200, Michal Zalewski wrote:
    > Oh, haven't said, for clearance... I'm talking about terminfo support and
    > tgetent() function implemented in libncurses, which is buggy as well,
    > while ncurses allows '../' tricks.
    Do you have any more information about this problem? As far as I can remember,
    ncurses doesn't do much parsing with a terminfo file, so there's little
    harm that can be done here. Or do you have a demonstrable exploit?
    Olaf Kirch         |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
    okirat_private  |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah
    okirat_private    +-------------------- Why Not?! -----------------------
             UNIX, n.: Spanish manufacturer of fire extinguishers.

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