Re: ftp.exe overflow...

From: Linux Users Strike Today ("hypoclear)
Date: Sun Aug 22 1999 - 15:55:07 PDT

  • Next message: Micheal Patterson: "Re: IE 5.0 allows executing programs"

    >>After i saw the telnet overflow i decided to send my ftp 
    >>After connecting to a host type:
    >>mdir xx...x's until you can't type anything...
    I tried this on Windows 98 quickly, and I didn't recieve any 
    overflow.  (I didn't really go into trying it on NT or 95, 
    because I'm too lasy to turn those computers on too).  At 
    least in Win98, ftp.exe seems to limit the number of 
    characters which are inputed to any particular command, thus 
    not creating an overflow.  Can anyone else reproduce this, 
    so ftp.exe crashes, or it pops out some useful memory 
    hypoclear - lUSt (Linux Users Strike Today)
    PS - Just 'cause I like Linux doesn't mean I can't post 
    about Windows...

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