Dynamic DNS Vulnerability

From: 3xT (awacsat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 30 1999 - 16:36:19 PDT

  • Next message: Cristian Gafton: "[SECURITY] RHSA-1999:034 New proftpd packages available"

    Sorry, hit enter in the first one thinking it would tab
    Here it is:
    Currently most inplementations of Dynamic DNS or "DDNS" rely
    upon only client IP addresses in an access list for
    authentication.  The impact is that anyone can spoof update
    packets from a false source address and the server will
    happily accept them.   I am going to include the URL to a
    tool that can be used to exploit the vulnerability. 
    Hopefully vendors will strive to do what's right in a timely
    Spoofer Utility: http://www.3xt.org/projects
    Download ddns.tar.gz from there.
    Best Wishes,

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