Re: ProFTPD 1.2.0pre4 available

From: Ben Pfaff (pfaffbenat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 03 1999 - 17:28:05 PDT

  • Next message: Markus Kuhn: "Re: NSA key in MSFT Crypto API"

    Werner Koch <wkat_private> writes:
       Malicious User <markat_private> writes:
       > knock it around.  I suspect this version will still fail on FreeBSD
       > (anyone care to offer up an account for me on a FreeBSD system to test
       Instead of using snprintf() you can  you sprintf() and change the
       "%s" formats to (e.g.) "$%.30s" - somewhat more work but much more
    Note that snprintf() is in the C9x draft standard, so it will soon be
    much more common that it is today.  As a result, it may not be worth
    it to try to be more portable through such devices.
    In addition, it is worth noting that snprintf() as specified by the
    C9x draft has return value semantics different from those commonly
    found.  As a result, calls to snprintf() where the return value is
    checked should be scrutinized, since this change could presumably pose
    a security risk.
    To cite one place where this changes, glibc 2.1 uses the C9x return
    value semantics, whereas glibc 2.0 uses the older semantics.
    "You know, they probably have special dorms for people like us."
    --American Pie

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