Re: More fun with WWWBoard

From: Mark Jeftovic (markjrat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 13:19:10 PDT

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    At 11:50 AM 9/24/99 -0400, Speed wrote:
    >You know... alot of people here give Matt Write a hard time.  On the one
    >hand, yeah, wwwboard is insecure.  But maybe he simply doesn't have time
    >to deal with it anymore.
    >Just accept that it is insecure / incomplete, and perhaps use one of the
    >other various web boards that are now available.  Matt Wright's was one of
    >the first useable web boards, and it was the spark for others that were
    >developed since then.
    >No, I wouldn't recommend using wwwboard, but I think we should lighten up
    >a little because his original contribution was in good faith.  And others
    >have picked up where he left off.
    If he doesn't have the time to deal with it anymore then he should either
    fix the problems in the existing versions that he is *still distributing*
    or shut down distribution.
    As long as he keeps distributing insecure software with known
    vulnerabilities and keeps neglecting to fix it and never bothers
    trying to advise people already using it, then security minded
    people are going to carp about it and non-security minded people
    are going to get burned by it.
    regards, mark
    Mark Jeftovic, <markjrat_private>
    easyDNS Technologies Inc.

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