Sun recommends users run 'xhost +' in StarOffice FAQ

From: PinkFreud (pinkfreudat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 12:16:50 PDT

  • Next message: Georgi Guninski: "IE 5.0 security vulnerability - reading local (and from any"

    Now that Sun has bought the creators of StarOffice, they have taken over
    support of the product.  This support, unsurprisingly, includes FAQs on
    their website.  While perusing the online documentation recently, I came
    aross the following Q+A, located at:
      During a network installation, setup was carried out on the
      server under root with /NET parameter, followed by a log-in on
      the server via user name and by starting setup from the bin
      directory. Nothing happened. What is the problem? SuSE 6.0.
      The user version shall be installed on the server as well.
      This problem may be due to the fact that an X application is not
      permitted to run on an X belonging to another user. You should try the
      following: 'xhost +' and then 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' in the shell from
      which you would like to start the setup. Otherwise we recommend
      referring to the man pages 'man xhost' and 'man xauth'.
    While specifying 'xhost +' may be an easy way of solving a permission
    problem, it's also a large security risk, as it disables all security for
    the X server it's run on.  Considering that the majority of people who are
    having that difficulty are probably fairly new to Linux, and *nix in
    general, most will probably blindly take Sun's suggestion, and disable
    security on their X server until they wind up restarting it.
    I'm sure most of us know what can be done on an X server without security,
    so I won't go into that.
    Sun has been notified of this issue via their website - as of yet, I have
    not recieved a response from them.
    Mike (PinkFreud) @ Mirkwood.Net

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