Time to update those CGIs again

From: Tymm Twillman (tymmat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 08:50:45 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Long: "Re: [Fwd: Truth about ssh 1.2.27 vulnerabiltiy]"

    Seems that at least some Unix versions of Netscape treat characters 0x8b
    and 0x9b (NOT the strings "0x8b" and "0x9b" but the characters with these
    ascii values) just like < and > respectively...
    This could be a problem for guestbooks/web email/filtering programs which
    remove tags by filtering based on greater/less than characters.
    I've tested this on Linux with Netscape versions 4.51 and 4.7; others have
    confirmed that Solaris versions behave the same... Apparently Mac/Windows
    versions just display the characters instead of using them as tag
    Here's a glob of code to show the problem:
    --- cut ---
    $opentag = chr(0x8b).'a href="http://www.netscape.com"'.chr(0x9b);
    $closetag = chr(0x8b).'/a'.chr(0x9b);
    open OUT, '>uhoh.html' || die ("Couldn't open");
    print OUT "If this $opentag link $closetag works, it could be bad.";
    close OUT;
    --- cut --
    run this and point Netscape at the resulting uhoh.html file...
    It looks like this may be the result of some alternate character set
    compatability feature, but it's rather hard to tell... I have not seen
    this documented anywhere however.

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