Problems with redhat 6 Xsession and pam.d/rlogin.

From: David Malone (dwmaloneat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 11:56:46 PDT

  • Next message: Leif Sawyer: "Re: Time to update those CGIs again"

    I've found two problems which seem to be present in RedHat 6.0 and RedHat 6.1.
    They're not earthshatteringly bad, but...
    	1) Xsession on RedHat will start kde, gnome or anotherlevel
    	rather than running a user's .xsession file, if you choose
    	one of these from kdm. This is bad if you have account
    	which have a special shell and xsession which are supposed
    	to only allow one use of the account.
    	Maybe it would be sensible to check a user has a shell listed
    	in /etc/shells before starting a kde, gnome or anoterlevel
    	session for them.
    	2) In pam.d/rlogin allows you to log in, even if /etc/nologin
    	exists 'cos the line:
    		auth       sufficient   /lib/security/
    	is futher up the file than:
    		auth       required     /lib/security/
    	Easy to fix.

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