
From: Elias Levy (aleph1at_private)
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 13:45:38 PDT

  • Next message: Gary McGraw: "Another Microsoft Java Flaw Disovered"

    I am killing the vulnerability and licensing/copyright protection thread.
    Copyright protection is an unsolvable problem. You are trying to protect
    code running in an untrusted environment. There is little you can do.
    Knowing you will fail it boils down to figuring out whether you at least
    want to put in a system to stop to ankle biters. Of curse once a crack
    is developed it will be in every warez ftp/web site in the planet. So
    why even try?
    Someone mentioned that at the very least security companies should perform
    a good faith effort to stop people from using their products to break into
    systems. Even if you don't succeed it keeps the lawyers away.
    Elias Levy
    Security Focus

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