Re: execve bug linux-2.2.12

From: Taneli Huuskonen (huuskoneat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 23:15:53 PDT

  • Next message: Jon Mitchell: "Re: recent SCO 5.0.x vulnerabilities"

    Apparently the Linux execve( ) bug is caused by the failure of
    copy_strings( ) in /usr/src/linux/fs/exec.c to check the return value
    of strlen_user( ).  On error, strlen_user( ) returns zero, and
    copy_strings( ) blithely copies zero bytes to the argument table of
    the programme to be execve( )'d, thus effectively removing any bad
    pointers from argv.  The problem is that argc is not updated, so the
    missing arguments are taken from the environment string table, and the
    missing environment strings from whatever happens to be at the top of
    memory after the string table.  When that is exhausted, the rest of the
    environment pointers point to the end of memory, which causes the SEGV's
    people have been observing.  I don't see any possible way this bug could
    affect security, however.
    Taneli Huuskonen
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