Linux kernel source problem

From: Alex Popa (razorat_private)
Date: Sun Oct 24 1999 - 22:44:17 PDT

  • Next message: Rafael Rodrigues Obelheiro: "[slackware-security] CA-99-13: wu-ftpd upgrade available (fwd)"

    There is a (mostly useful) feature in "tar" that makes it extract the
    files an archive contains with the same UID/GID if root. If the system
    does not have an account with the same name, it uses the numeric values.
    But what if we just got the latest kernel sources, and install them as in
    the README:
    INSTALLING the kernel:
     - If you install the full sources, do a
                    cd /usr/src
                    gzip -cd linux-2.2.XX.tar.gz | tar xfv -
       to get it all put in place. Replace "XX" with the version number of the
       latest kernel.
    So you do this as root, needing write access to /usr/src. The files get
    extracted with "normal" UID/GID, and if you have an user that has those
    ids, (s)he can do whatever (s)he wants to the sources.
    There are two possible solutions:
    a) chmod 700 /usr/src
    b) use "tar --owner=root --group=root -xvf -" in the command line above
    I suggest that the script that builds a kernel source archive passes the
    "--owner=root --group=root" to tar when vreating those.
    Please excuse my English.
    Alex Popa,  |There never was a good war or a bad peace
    razorat_private|                   -- B. Franklin

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