ImmuniX OS Security Alert: StackGuard 1.21 Released

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 09 1999 - 13:44:13 PST

  • Next message: Jefferson Ogata: "Re: Insecure handling of NetSol maintainer passwords"

    		   ImmuniX OS Security Alert
    Synopsis:		StackGuard vulnerability found & fixed
    Advisory ID:		Immunix-1999:01
    Issue date:		1999-11-09
    Updated on:		1999-11-09	
    Keywords:		StackGuard
    Cross references:	
    1. Topic:
    A method has been found to violate StackGuard protection against stack
    smashing attacks.  ImmuniX OS is generally intended to aleviate the
    need for frequent patching; this is the first StackGuard vulnerability
    to be discovered since StackGuard was introduced in January 1998.
    StackGuard 1.21 fixes this problem, available at
    2. Problem description:
    A significant security vulnerability has been discovered by Mariusz
    Woloszyn <emsiat_private> that permits attackers to perpetrate successful
    attacks against StackGuarded programs under particular circumstances.
    Woloszyn is preparing a Phrack article describing this vulnerability,
    which we summarize here.  StackGuard 1.21 effectively protects against
    this vulnerability.  The Immunix team would like to thank Mariusz for
    kindly notifying us first about this vulnerability, and allowing us the
    time to develop and distribute a defense.
    Consider this vulnerable code:
    foo(char * arg) {
        char *    p = arg;    // a vulnerable pointer
        char a[25];    // the buffer that makes the pointer vulnerable
        gets(a);    // using gets() makes you vulnerable
        gets(p);    // this is the good part
    In attacking this code, the attacker first overflows the buffer a[] with
    a goal of changing the value of the char * p pointer.  Specifically,
    the attacker can cause the p pointer to point anywhere in memory,
    but especially at a return address record in an activation record.
    When the program then takes input and stores it where p points, the
    input data is stored where the attacker said to store it.
    The above attack is effective against the Random and Terminator Canary
    mechanisms because those methods assume that the attack is linear,
    i.e. that an attacker seeking to corrupt the return address must
    necessarily use a string operation that overflows an automatic buffer on
    the stack, moving up memory through the canary word, and only then reach
    the return address entry.  The above attack form, however, allows the
    attacker to synthesize a pointer to arbitrary space, including pointing
    directly at the return address, bypassing canary protection.
    NOTE:  No *actual* vulnerabilities of this form are known, but programs
    with this vulnerability are plausible.
    3. Solution:  The XOR Random Canary
    StackGuard 1.21 introduces a new canary defense mechanism: the XOR
    Random canary.  Like the random canary mechanism, we choose a vector
    of 128 random canary words at exec() time, but we also XOR the canary
    with the return address word, so that the return address is bound to
    the random canary value.  The exact procedure is as follows:
       * Setting up an activation record: when calling a function
            o push the return address
            o look up the random canary word for the current function
            o XOR the random canary word with the return address
            o store the result immediately below the return address in the
              activation record
       * Tearing down an activation record: when returning from a function
            o fetch the canary word from memory
            o XOR the memory canary word with the return address on the stack
            o compare the result with the random canary word associated with the
              current function
    The result of this method is that we have the same protection as with
    the classic Random canary, and also the property that the attacker cannot
    modify the return address without invalidating the canary word.
    StackGuard 1.21 has been made available:

    We have done partial testing with this compiler, using it to build
    many programs common in Linux distributions, and have not observed any
    problems.  However, we have not yet done a complete build of an entire
    Linux distribution, so this compiler should be considered beta for now.
    Crispin Cowan & the ImmuniX development team
    Crispin Cowan, CTO, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Free Hardened Linux Distribution:       

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