MacOS 9 and the MacOS Netware Client

From: Matt White (MWhiteat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 14 1999 - 11:49:40 PST

  • Next message: Chris Yarnell: "Re: BIND bugs of the month (fwd)"

    MacOS 9 adds the ability to have multiple users on a single Macintosh. When it boots it will (if enabled) ask you to log in.
    However, while logged in if you login to NDS, and select "Logout" from the Special menu, you will NOT be logged out of NDS.  The tree in the menu bar will stay green, and you are still logged in.  Any user can then log back in as themselves and use your login to NDS.
    The workaround is simple enough, just make sure you log out of NDS and THEN out of MacOS. An alternative would be to simply restart the Mac instead of logging out.
    I tested this on an iMac running MacOS 9 and the ProSoft client (version 5.12). I have not tested it on the Novell client (version 5.11), but since the clients are so similar I would assume the "bug" exists there too. (I don't consider this to be a full-blown bug since we're dealing with a new feature of the OS that didn't exist at the time the client was released. However, given the breathtaking speed that ProSoft moves at...)
    Matt White

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