Re: Pine: expanding env vars in URLs (seems to be fixed as of

From: Pavel Kankovsky (peakat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 22 1999 - 13:06:29 PST

  • Next message: Halcyon Skinner: "NetBeans/ Forte' Java IDE HTTP vulnerability"

    On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Jim Hebert wrote:
    > I reported the vulnerability below to the Pine team on Oct 21, when 4.20
    > was current. 4.21 (which I just noticed on freshmeat) seems to fix the
    > problem even though it's not mentioned in the release notes. Since it's
    > not, I thought some disclosure was in order. I built 4.21 in the same way
    > I built 4.20 (below).
    An attempt was made to fix the vulnerability. An unsuccessful one.
    The following line in pine/mailview.c controls whether the quoting is done
    or not:
          if(strpbrk(handle->h.url.path, "&*;<>?[|~$") != NULL){  /* specials? */
    It is obvious something is wrong: they try to explicitly list all harmful
    characters and we all know this is the "disaster pattern". It is left as
    an exercise for the reader for find at least two characters not included
    in the list that have special meaning for the shell. Special bonus for
    finding a character that is not on the list and has the power to defeat
    the effect of quoting (and I am not speaking about bash 1.x \377 bug,
    btw. it chokes on ``echo "$(echo '1`2')"'' as well...another good reason
    to get rid of it). If you need a hint, search the same function for the
    following line:
                sstrcpy(&cmdp, handle->h.url.path);
    Yes, I know, providing patches or pointing out the mistakes clearly might
    be more efficient but I hope Pine developers will get sick of their own
    code having no choice but to analyze it and will rewrite it from the
    scratch...and cleanly (for instance, they should use a single (reasonably
    safe) substitution procedure for mailcap and urls).
    --Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
    "Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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