Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow

From: Casper Dik (casperat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 00:31:39 PST

  • Next message: Jim Knoble: "Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-051) (fwd)"

    >The kernel patch makes no such compromise.  As near as I can tell, it is
    >completely performance neutral, and largely transparent.  The only compromise
    >is that special handling for signal delivery is required, which the kernel
    >patch provides.
    Is it possible with the Linux kernel patch to still mprotect() parts
    of the stack to read-write-execute?  My understanding is that that isn't
    possible when using x86 segment descriptors (i.e., you get all or nothing)
    >> Also, using segmentation pretty much guarantees that your OS cannot be
    >> made to run on anything other than the x86 architecture (which is
    >> about the worst of the bunch; no sane person would use x86 if wasn't
    >> for the compatibility issues).
    >Other, more sane, processors provide for read & no-execute pages, so you use a
    >different kernel MMU mechanism to make the stack non-executable.  Thus, Casper
    >Dik has a similar kernel enhancement for Solaris that makes the stack
    The feature I wrote as a script for Solaris 2.5.1 and before that hotpatched
    kernel memory and code (and disassembled SPARC instructions in /bin/sh)
    was later added as a feature to Solaris 2.6
    Many MMUs/processors do not support this.  Older SPARC (sun4/sun4c kernel arch)
    do not; even UltraSPARC doesn't provide MMU support; it supports non-executable
    pages only because it has a split TLB.  When RW- pages get examined in the
    iTLB handler, a fault is generated.  That also was added in Solaris 2.6,
    so my script doesn't work for UltraSPARC in 2.5/2.5.1 either.

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