A note on CIS and some new tools

From: David Litchfield (Cerberus Information Security, Ltd) (mnemonixat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 07:20:56 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Hemenway: "Re: FormHandler.cgi"

    Hi All,
    Due to a few requests I've posted some new auditing tools on the Cerberus
    This will dump NetBIOS information from your NT 4, Windows 2000 and Samba
    servers. Runs on Windows NT 4 and 2000 only.
    This will dump SUN RPC information from a *NIX machine (like running
    rpcinfo -p host from a *nix shell prompt.) Runs on Windows 95, 98, NT and
    A web scanner that scan for known security issues in your web servers be
    they IIS, Apache, Netscape or whatever. Runs on Windows 95, 98, NT and 2000.
    These tools are really just parts of our CIS security scanner but by
    splitting some of the parts up we're able to cover more platforms from which
    audits can be run and of course these tools and CIS are available from
    A note on CIS
    For those that are getting incorrect information about password issues - log
    onto the the local machine and not the domain and then run the scanner. This
    will stop this - seems like an MS API call not doing what it's supposed to
    do ;-)
    The website has also been changed and updated - if anyone doesn't like the
    colours don't blame me - I'm colour blind ;-)
    David Litchfield
    Cerberus Information Security, Ltd

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