Apologies for wierd email

From: Brock Tellier (btellierat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 10:06:36 PST

  • Next message: GNSS Research Division: "Re: HP Secure Web Console"

    I wish to clear up a bit of a misunderstanding regarding a wierd email that
    some of you recieved.  If you were affected, you recieved an email with no
    subject containing text along the lines of:
    Your ueber-secret password on 0wned.com is fD83#2a
    Brock Tellier
    Unix Systems Administrator
    Chicago, IL, usa
    I'll admit, it's an odd thing to recieve, but let me explain.  Those of you
    who got the correct bugtraq post from me recieved "UnixWare read/modify users'
    mail", a post which detailed how any user could read other people's mail under
    UW7.1.  In it, I set up a typical scenario where this would happen, including
    copy/pasteing an example email that might have been intercepted.  I pasted
    this message, along with all the mail headers, into my advisory.  The result
    of this is that some of your broken email programs interpereted this as TWO
    SEPERATE MESSAGES.  It was actually only ONE message which contained the
    message headers in the body of the message.  As Aleph One explained it to me:
      It did not get screwed. It seems to be the result of broken MUA's that  
    can't even properly read a mbox formated file correctly. They seem to be
      confused by the message. Using any decent MUA the message is displayed
      just fine.
    All this being said, please understand that I didn't send out a real password
    to 0wned.com (I wonder how many ssh connections that server got using
    root:fd*3la@A as their login/pass) and I do not have any affiliation with this
    Brock Tellier
    UNIX Systems Administrator
    Chicago, IL, USA
    Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

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