Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-051) (fwd)

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 13:42:36 PST

  • Next message: Niels Provos: "Re: Security Advisory: Buffer overflow in RSAREF2"

    At 08:17 PM 12/1/99 -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
    >On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, David LeBlanc wrote:
    >> >Regardless of that, how does the patch stop malicious users from
    >> >producing AT jobs that have valid signatures and putting them in place?
    >> The signature is based on a unique certificate that is stored in the
    >> private data, and only admins can access the certificate.  So your
    >> requirement to use this method (post-fix) to become admin is to be admin.
    >Replay attack? I read the patch description as saying that it stores a
    >signature in the file containing the AT job, which is verified at
    >execution time. If you can read the job file as another user, you may be
    >able to resubmit the same job multiple times, if the signature doesn't
    >include data which is instance-specific (e.g. the job ID).
    Here's what I was told:
    "The ACL on an At job file denies read access to non-admins.
    This prevents non-admins from copying a signed At job into
    another admin-owned file."
    BTW, job ID wouldn't be sufficient - those numbers do get reused.
    If anyone else sees a problem with the current way it works, send mail to
    secureat_private and/or to me - I'll do my best to follow up.
    Thanks for pointing this out - though it seems painfully obvious now, I
    hadn't thought of it on my own.
    David LeBlanc

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