Re: HP Secure Web Console

From: Randal L. Schwartz (merlynat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 10:04:34 PST

  • Next message: Craig Ruefenacht: "Re: Solaris 2.x chkperm/arp vulnerabilities"

    >>>>> "GNSS" == GNSS Research Division <osirisat_private> writes:
    GNSS> #!/bin/perl
    GNSS> #
    GNSS> # swc_crypt_test
    GNSS> #
    GNSS> # Syntax: swc_crypt_test [option] [word]
    GNSS> #
    GNSS> # encrypt example: swc_crypt_test -e abcd
    GNSS> # output: VUTS
    GNSS> #
    GNSS> # decrypt example: swc_crypt_test -d VUTS
    GNSS> # output: ABCD
    GNSS> #
    GNSS> if(!$ARGV[0]) { &usage; } if($ARGV[0] ne "-e" && $ARGV[0] ne "-d") { &usage; }
    GNSS> if($ARGV[0] eq "-e") {
    GNSS> $string=$ARGV[1];
    GNSS> $string=~s/(.*)/\u\U$1/g;
    That doesn't make sense.  Do you mean:
            $string = uc $string;
    GNSS> $string=~y/A-Za-z/S-ZA-za-m/;
    This also doesn't make sense.  You have 52 things on the left,
    and 79 things on the right in the order of:
    If you meant to do a modified caesar rotate where A becomes S, that'd be:
        $string =~ y/A-Za-z/S-ZA-Rs-za-r/;
    Of course, the second half of that would never trigger, since you just
    uppercased everything, so you could simply combine the two steps with:
        $string =~ y/A-Za-z/S-ZA-RS-ZA-R/;
    GNSS> $output = reverse $string; print $output;
    GNSS> }
    GNSS> if($ARGV[0] eq "-d") {
    GNSS> $string=$ARGV[1]; $string=~y/S-ZA-za-m/A-Za-z/;
    Ditto here.... perhaps you want:
        $string =~ y/S-ZA-Rs-za-r/A-Za-z/;
    GNSS> $string=~s/(.*)/\l\L$1/g;
    And again, if you want to lowercase everything, use:
      $string = lc $string;
    And the combination move would be:
        $string =~ y/S-ZA-Rs-za-r/a-za-z/;
    GNSS> $output = reverse $string; print $output; }
    GNSS> sub usage {
    GNSS> print "\nUsage: poor_crypt [option] [word]\n";
    GNSS> print "\n-e encrypts the supplied string";
    GNSS> print "\n-d decrypts the supplied string\n";
    GNSS> print "\n***Note: your string MUST be in uppercase.\n";
    GNSS> exit;
    GNSS> }
    Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
    <merlynat_private> <URL:>
    Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
    See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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