Netscape password scrambling

From: Gary McGraw (gemat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 05:02:19 PST

  • Next message: suid: "Security vulnerability in certain wu-ftpd (and derivitives)"

    There has been some minor controversy about the importance and relevance
    of the RST cryptanalysis of the Netscape mail password in current
    versions of the software.  Previous work on Netscape mail passwords
    (among other things) done by Dave Edis and posted to bugtraq exposed a
    weak password scrambling attack over a year ago.  Though the algorithm
    we discovered is somewhat similar, old password crackers do not work on
    the existing system.  Our algorithm is new.  We acknowledge the previous
    discoveries and their relation to the one we found independently.
    More importantly, some people have claimed that the entire password
    saving issue is a red herring since there is no way to protect a secret
    on the host.  This criticism is worth thinking about more carefully.  We
    suggest that Netscape "raise the bar" by using triple-DES and hiding key
    material for the cipher throughout the code.  But can't you just apply
    some clever SoftICE to find the key?  Of course you can!  Doing so
    requires much more sophistication than simply cracking a "magic decoder
    ring" scrambler, however.
    In any case, here is a scenario that makes a strong point for raising
    the bar.  Consider the case of a Web-based Javascript attack that is
    able to steal a file remotely but not do any other file modification.
    Based on Richard Smith's work, we have a working Javascript attack
    against the latest MSIE that is capable of stealing files, including
    preferences files with the scrambled password.  There are similar
    Javascript attacks against Netscape versions 4.0-4.05 (old).
    Descrambling the password using our discovery is trivial.  Together, the
    two exploits allow an attacker to steal a password remotely without
    having to install a sniffer on a local LAN to snag the plaintext
    password as it goes by (at least with POP3...IMAP has better optional
    protection).  That's why we think it is worth raising the bar.
    There is no perfect solution to this problem of wanting to make life
    easy for users by remembering their password on the client.  But a good
    solution is a far cry better than a bad one.
    Gary McGraw, Ph.D    gemat_private
    Vice President, Corporate Technology
    Reliable Software Technologies
    Dulles, VA

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