Re: Groupewise Web Interface

From: Randy Mclean (rmcleanat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 13:01:30 PST

  • Next message: Scott Morris: "Re: IE 5.01 vulnerabilities in external.NavigateAndFind()"

    I just tested it on our server and when i did the "GWWEB.EXE?<very long
    string here>" The server console claimed it had a critical error. It seemed
    to work fine, but the server remained in status 1(with <1> by the server
    prompt). I didn't notice any problems with system or groupwise, even the
    web access still worked after the error. This dose seem like something that
    dose need to be fixed, but not as critical as something that actually
    causes a server to abend. BTW I'm currently running Netware 5 with sp3a
    netscape web server and groupwise 5.5. I hope my input helps ya. Good luck
    At 04:57 PM 12/21/99 -0500, Sacha Faust Bourque wrote:
    >did you actually saw it crash or it just froze.
    >We did some testing like that and we found that GRoupeWise froze
    >but eventually came back .
    >-----Original Message-----
    >Oops, I just brought down a GroupWise server with
    >GWWEB.EXE?<very long string here>
    >whilst testing this.
    Randy Mclean
    Security/Network Administrator

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