Third Party Software Affected by IIS "Escape Character Parsing" V

From: Microsoft Product Security Response Team (secureat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 10:27:05 PST

  • Next message: aslat_private: "Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall SMTP bug"

    Hi All -
    A recent posting to BugTraq asked why we didn't identify specific
    third-party software products that are affected by the "Escape Character
    Parsing" vulnerability
    (  Although we do
    try to provide as much information regarding security vulnerabilities as
    possible, we simply can't provide information like this without the consent
    of the third-party vendors.  Even if we could provide a list of third-party
    products that are known to be affected by the vulnerability, it would become
    obsolete almost immediately as new versions of the products are released.
    The safest course of action is to apply the patch if you are running any
    third-party software atop IIS.  This will ensure that your system is
    protected, regardless of the third-party software you're using now or in the
    future.  Regards,

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