Re: Anyone can take over virtually any domain on the net...

From: root (rootat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 20:43:03 PST

  • Next message: Steven M. Bellovin: "Re: Misleading sense of security in Netscape"

    >        You make a pretty huge assumption that the administrator of
    > that domain will miss the response from network solutions or will do
    > nothing about it, both of which are not very good assumptions.
    Many domains have contacts that use free email services like HotMail, and
    with the long string of problems services like that have with security it
    isn't hard to gain access to thoes addresses. I can't remember where, but
    I have heard of people flooding the contacts email address with a few
    thousand emails in hopes the person will just clear the mail box. Or of
    course someone could exploit the mail server. Besides it takes around 24
    hours to set the records straight again, and most defaced pages don't stay
    up that long anyways.
     - Billy Cobin

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