Security hole in mail2web web-based emailservice

From: Patrick Oonk (patrickat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 05:43:53 PST

  • Next message: David Kennedy CISSP: "Announce: BOF on Distributed DoS, San Jose 1/18/00"

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    My collegue Roy Froma was checking a httpd-log while debugging a
    web site script, and saw a strange looking=20
    referer in the log. When he copied this URL to his browser, he was=20
    suddenly reading somebody elses mail.  Apparently this person had=20
    clicked on a link to our site in his email.=20
    The URL looked like this (wrapped for readability):
    After about five minutes the authentication expired, maybe due to the=20
    legitimate owner of the mail logging off from the service.
    Mail2web seems to be some kind of pop-to-web gateway, offered
    by the webhosting service Softcom.
    Nice quote from the Mail2web site: "Mail2Web lets you to have control on
    your email without the hassle. Your activities are private and none of=20
    them are being recorded."
    They have been notified.
     Patrick Oonk - PO1-6BONE - patrickat_private -
     Pine Internet B.V.      GOAT666-RIPE          PGP key ID BE7497F1 =20
     Tel: +31-70-3111010 - Fax: +31-70-3111011 -
     ----    Pine Security Digest - (Dutch)   ----
     Excuse of the day: Your excuse is: The electricity substation in
     the car park blew up.
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