Re: ICQ Buffer Overflow Exploit

From: Thomas Maschutznig (hntat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 15 2000 - 08:44:09 PST

  • Next message: Jaynus Jaynus: "Yahoo Pager/Messanger Buffer Overflow"

    Hash: SHA1
    Can (more or less) verify that overflow...
    I am running ICQ 99beta 3.1.9 build #2596 and tried to send some MESSAGES
    (no, NOT URL)
    It seemed that only the messagebox would let you send larger stuff
    Couldnt paste a lot into the URL-box
    So, with messages...
    entered http://www.alotofstuffhere......
    I clicked it myself (yep, while entering) and Netscape opened up and ICQ
    said byebyes :)
    Could reproduce that 4 times in 4 tries
    Now, with sending it to other people...
    Somehow you cant send normal messages with more than 450 characters or whatever
    but if you start with http://www... ICQ doesnt seem to check it and
    messages with 2000 characters were no problem.
    Gonna try _sending_ messages (and recieve) later when someone appears to be
    online on my list :P
    Peace out,
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