Re: *BSD procfs vulnerability

From: Theo de Raadt (deraadtat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 18:17:34 PST

  • Next message: Jesper M. Johansson: "Re: Windows 2000 Run As... Feature"

    >                         Fast Emergency AVET Response
    >                              SECURITY ADVISORY
    >                                 January 2000
    >                                  FEAR ID: 1
    >                          *BSD procfs vulnerability
    >     The solution (by deraadt) is to add a certain check in execve syscall. If
    > a process X tries to exec a setuid binary, we make sure it holds no open
    > descriptors pointing into procfs filesystem.
    Actually, my patch only checks descriptors 0, 1, and 2.  Todd and I
    thought long and hard, and could not think of a setuid process which
    would expect a provided descriptor higher than 2 to be kosher for
    writing to.  Such processes are very careful with those descriptors.
    But descriptors 0, 1, and 2 are special cased by libc.  libc assumes
    it can splat to them, and setuid programs use libc.
    While mostly dealing with procfs, this advisory also has a lot in
    common with the un-allocated fd advisory that we made available in
    June of 1998.  In that case, leaving file descriptors 0, 1, or 2
    unallocated at execution time would cause a setuid process to open
    it's next descriptor into one of those slots.  For sake of argument,
    let's pick 2 (0 and 1 are open on files, 2 is not).  If the setuid
    process opens a new file for write, which becomes descriptor 2, and
    then a bad condition causes it to write to stderr, it will have
    written over the file it opened.
    We actually never found anything that could be exploited by this
    problem, but we didn't look for a specific attacks to this generic
    problem.  Instead, we fixed the kernel because we feel that setuid
    programmers already have far too much to worry about, without having
    to worry about descriptors 0, 1, and 2 being allocated.
    The reason I mention all this, is that the handling for this procfs
    issue is now handled by the same chunk of code that solves the fdalloc

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