rzsz emails usage stats without user consent

From: Kris Kennaway (krisat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 29 2000 - 16:14:13 PST

  • Next message: foo: "Tempfile vulnerabilities"

    Recent versions of the (shareware) UNIX rzsz package from Omen Software,
    available from ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/zmodem/, contain the "feature"
    that if your version is unregistered, it will send mail to rzszat_private
    each time you upload and download using the software - rz.c and sz.c
    contain the following code:
    #ifndef REGISTERED
    	/* Removing or disabling this code without registering is theft */
    	if ((Totfiles > 0) && (!Usevhdrs)) {
    		sprintf(endmsg, "echo Unreg %s %s %ld %ld | mail rzszat_private",
    		  Progname, VERSION, Totfiles, Totbytes );
    		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n**** UNREGISTERED COPY *****\r\n");
    		fprintf(stderr, "Please read the License Agreement in rz.doc\r\n");
    This change was detected because the FreeBSD ports system uses an MD5
    checksum to verify the integrity of downloaded software - the rzsz.zip
    file has a habit of changing regularly, and after one such change this
    addition was discovered.
    Thanks for Marcin Cieslak <saperat_private> for identifying this problem.
    The rzsz port has since been removed from the FreeBSD ports collection :-)
    Kris Kennaway
    "How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?"
    "That was a rhetorical question!"
    "Oh..then, seven!" -- Homer Simpson

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