Re: Disable Parent Paths

From: Gary Geisbert (garyat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 31 2000 - 12:48:57 PST

  • Next message: Russ Johnson: "Re: Bypass Virus Checking"

    >my question: What security hole/hack does this create if left enabled?.
    > *snip*
    That all depends on how well the box is already configured.. =/  However,
    one of the most notable problems is with Allow Parent Paths enabled, an ASP
    script using the FileSystemObject coupled with Server.MapPath(), can open up
    the source for scripts/files (or even worse, write something into the other
    This was illustrated in an advisory released by l0pht a few months ago,
    which used a script that IIS installs by default.  It used the sample file
    (showcode.asp I believe) to open up files like global.asa, which could
    reveal database user/pass's as well as all sorts of information.
    Gary Geisbert
    Senior Systems Engineer      garyat_private    

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