Response from FTPPro

From: FTPPro (FTPProat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 06:33:07 PST

  • Next message: Patrick Oonk: "[xforceat_private: ISSalert: ISS E-Security Alert: Form Tampering"

    To Whom It May Concern,
    To address the concern that your subscribers have expressed:
         *** FTPPro does NOT ‘glean’ Passwords. ***
    It should be noted that the person who originally posted the complaint
    against our program is an active user of ‘warez’ sites. Another ISP has
    informed us that they have also received numerous complaints about this user
    from other companies, who have also received hundreds of invalid
    registrations which have been submitted by this user.
    This user’s actions have caused damage to our business, as records for our
    authorized users have been overwritten. We are currently preparing legal
    action against this user, and several other persons who have also
    participated in the illegal distribution of ‘warez’ copies of our product.
    It is impossible to run FTPPro without first accepting the terms of our User
    Agreement, which indicates that we will send an email message to the Server
    which is accessed by any unauthorized user, to inform them of this abuse.
    This obviously does NOT require a password.
    By first accepting the FTPPro User Agreement, and then using an unauthorized
    copy, the abuser is fully aware that their identity will be revealed, along
    with their falsified credit card information. Therefore, our email message
    to inform this user’s ISP of their abuse could not possibly be interpreted
    as a violation of their privacy.
    During the past week, we have received numerous profane and threatening
    messages from your subscribers. Those messages have included ridiculous
    statements such as the following:
         “the US has no meaning whatsoever in 99% of the world.”
         “you er n idyut”
    Your subscribers who use ‘warez’ copies of software should have a LOT more
    to be worried about, than just getting busted for their unauthorized use.
    Many damaging viruses have been spread by these illegal ‘warez’ programs.
    I am sure that your newsgroup/mailing list provides valuable services to
    your subscribers. However, the rude and threatening email that we have
    received during the past week is not of any use to us.
    IMPORTANT: Please immediately remove FTPPro from your Newsgroup/Mailing List
    We do not wish to receive any more email messages from your subscribers.
    Thank you,
    Sabine Schmidt
    Sabine Consulting

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