Re: RFP2K01 - "How I hacked Packetstorm" (wwwthreads advisory)

From: van der Meulen, Robert (rvdmat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 03:47:17 PST

  • Next message: David Kennedy CISSP: "Reminder: BOF on Distributed DoS, San Jose 2/7/00"

    Quoting rain forest puppy (rfpat_private):
    > ----[ 3. Solution
    > In the end, *all* (let me repeat that... **ALL**) incoming user data
    > should be passed through quote(), onlynumbers(), or scrubtable()...NO
    > EXCEPTIONS!  Passing user data straight into a SQL query is asking for
    > someone to tamper with your database.
    > New versions of wwwthreads are available from, which
    > implement the solutions pretty much as I've described them here.
    If the script acessing the database uses DBI, it's better to handle a query
    the following way:
    $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO table (foo,bar) VALUES (?,?)");
    $sth->execute($evil-unquoted-string, $evil-unquoted-other-string);
    Using the '?' placeholders takes care of quoting, and allows re-execute()ing
    the query with different parameters.
    I must admit here, that not all DBI drivers support placeholders, but most do.
    ofcourse catch the results, and check them. Insertion of non-numerics into
    your database is checked when you actually _do_ the insert.
    |      rvdmat_private - Cistron Internet Services -        |
    |          php3/c/perl/html/c++/sed/awk/linux/sql/cgi/security             |
    |         My statements are mine, and not necessarily cistron's.           |

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