Re: DDOS Attack Mitigation

From: Andreas Busse (abat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 23:49:19 PST

  • Next message: John Edwards: "Re: DDOS Attack Mitigation"

    Hello all,
    On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Darren Reed wrote:
    > It's good to see that ISP's around the world prefer to have $$ in the bank
    > rather than a secure Internet.  Little wonder that hacking is so prevalent.
    I'd like to add that we (as a rather small german ISP) filter source
    addresses too, at least on most ports. I cannot count the number
    of refused packets per day, but it seems that source address filtering
    does _not_ lead into heavy processor load, even on relatively
    underpowered Cisco 4000 (not 4500 or 4700) routers. The reason is
    perhaps that people stop their attacks as soon they notice or at
    least guess that not a single packet reaches the target host.
    I do understand that filtering is not possible on DS3 or STM1 or even
    faster lines without overloading routers. But, if you filter near to
    source, ie. on the probably many different ports _behind_ the STM1,
    there is no need for filtering on high speed interfaces.
    Best regards,
    Andreas Busse
    IVM Gesellschaft fuer Internet, Vernetzung und Mehrwertdienste mbH
        Zissener Strasse 8 - D-53498 Waldorf - Fon 02636-9769-0
        Fax 02636-9769-999 - - infoat_private
      Internet/Intranet Services, Consulting und Netzwerkloesungen

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