Open IP Directed Broadcast List...

From: dies (diesat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 11:48:10 PST

  • Next message: KOJIMA Hajime: "Re: Doubledot bug in FrontPage FrontPage Personal Web Server."

    	Well I guess I reinvented the wheel here.  On that note.
    	I've compiled a list of open ip directed broadcasts.  I've scanned
    down into 26 bit subnet's and found some interesting results.  Over
    138,000 broken networks where found.  A list of these networks is
    currently available at  The reason I did this
    was because is only hitting 24 bit subnets and with the
    recent "Internet Rush" for companies, CIDR, etc I felt it was time to look
    deeper into the problem.  I've been pulled away from this project as of
    late (real job calls) and I have yet to walk the networks through
    arin/ripe/apnic and obtain contacts.  That will be my next step,
    ETA - 2/28/00.  After that I'd like to jump down to 27 and 28 bit
    subnets.  I'd be willing to get some help from anyone that is interested.
    	Lastly, for the script kiddies out there. Please do not go and
    grab this list and annihilate someone.  Take the information and maybe
    learn something from it, like just was subnetting is and how it works..

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