Re: All the recent SQL vulnerabilities

From: Keyser Soze (ksozeat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 20:58:43 PST

  • Next message: Paul Cardon: "Addendum to Firewall-1 FTP Server Vulnerability"

    > SQL has identities and most of the SQL games could be stopped by using a
    > sharply limited indentity to query the database (column, table and database
    > access control is included in standard SQL). Obviously this is not a
    > substitute for programming it properly in the first place but could limit the
    > damage.
    Agreed. You can think of your server software as just another database
    client. Like any other client, it shouldn't be trusted more than it has to
    If your database supports it, triggers can be very useful for creating an
    audit trail in another tablespace. This way even if an attacker is able to
    run his own SQL statements you are keeping track of what he did. It
    doesn't help you if the he drops your tables, (and as you already said,
    your application probably shouldn't have permission to do that anyway) but
    it can save you if he updates some specific data - such as an account
    balance. Oracle does this well.
    > In particular the code that can be manipulated to change prices in multiple
    > shopping carts (ISS X-Force, 3rd of February) does not need an identity that
    > can change the prices. I suspect the wwwthreads code, RFP2K01 (also 3rd of
    > February), does not need write access for its intended results. Am I missing
    > something or are the database queries not doing the moral equivilent of
    > running everything as root and hoping the, usually sadly lacking, input
    > validation saves the system?
    Don't give developers DBA access! 99.99% of the time they will cut
    corners. Make them ask you for specific permissions and make them justify
    those requests. If you are a developer, then don't test your software with
    DBA access. Think about what access you grant your application's user.
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