Re: Disk (over)quota in Windows 2000

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 09:05:43 PST

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    At 10:49 PM 2/29/00 -0800, Ian Turner wrote:
    >> Isn't this just a cluster-size filling issue?
    >Which is why effective quota security should enable inode limits as well
    >as byte limits.
    I'm not going to dive into the 'is it a bug or not' debate, but did want to
    make a couple of points -
    A NTFS file system isn't limited by the number of clusters on a disk.  The
    various components of a file are called streams, and the $data stream is
    just one of them.  If a file has a small data segment, then the entire file
    can be stored in the MFT, along with the security descriptor, attributes,
    name, etc.  So the minimum amount of disk space that a file can take up is
    the size of one MFT entry, which may or may not involve an additional
    cluster.  If the file grows, then the data stream within the MFT is
    replaced by a pointer to the cluster where the data is stored.  Hence, the
    concept of inodes isn't germane to NTFS.
    Hope this clears up some small amount of the confusion...
    David LeBlanc

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