FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-01:31.ntpd

From: FreeBSD Security Advisories (security-advisoriesat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 13:58:18 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Evans: "Re: [COVERT-2001-02] Globbing Vulnerabilities in Multiple FTP Daemons"

    FreeBSD-SA-01:31                                           Security Advisory
                                                                    FreeBSD, Inc.
    Topic:          ntpd contains potential remote compromise
    Category:       core/ports
    Module:         ntpd
    Announced:      2001-04-06
    Credits:        Przemyslaw Frasunek <venglinat_private>
    Affects:        FreeBSD 3.x (all releases), FreeBSD 4.x (all releases),
                    FreeBSD 3.5-STABLE and 4.2-STABLE prior to the
                    correction date.
                    Ports collection prior to the correction date.
    Corrected:      2001-04-06 (FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE, 3.5-STABLE, and ports)
    Vendor status:  Vendor notified.
    FreeBSD only:   NO
    I.   Background
    The ntpd daemon is an implementation of the Network Time Protocol
    (NTP) used to synchronize the time of a computer system to a
    reference time source.  Older versions of ntpd, such as those in
    FreeBSD 3.x, were named xntpd.
    II.  Problem Description
    An overflowable buffer exists in the ntpd daemon related to the
    building of a response for a query with a large readvar argument.
    Due to insufficient bounds checking, a remote attacker may be able
    to cause arbitrary code to be executed as the user running the
    ntpd daemon, usually root.
    All versions of FreeBSD prior to the correction date, including
    FreeBSD 3.5.1 and 4.2, and versions of the ntpd port prior to
    ntp-4.0.99k_2 contain this problem.  The base system and ports
    collections that will ship with FreeBSD 4.3 do not contain this
    problem since it was corrected before the release.
    III. Impact
    Malicious remote users may be able to execute arbitrary code on an
    ntpd server as the user running the ntpd daemon, usually root.
    The ntpd daemon is not enabled by default.  If you have not enabled
    ntpd, your system is not vulnerable.
    IV.  Workaround
    Disable the ntpd daemon using the following command:
    # kill -KILL `cat /var/run/`
    Additionally, the ntpd daemon should be disabled in the system's
    startup configuration file /etc/rc.conf, normally accomplished by
    changing "xntpd_enable=YES" to "xntpd_enable=NO".
    Since NTP is a stateless UDP-based protocol, source addresses can be
    spoofed rendering firewalling ineffective for stopping this
    V.   Solution
    [Base system]
    One of the following:
    1) Upgrade to FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE or 3.5.1-STABLE after the correction
    2) Download the patch and detached PGP signature from the following
    The following patch applies to FreeBSD 4.x.
    # fetch
    # fetch
    The folllowing patch applies to FreeBSD 3.x.
    # fetch
    # fetch
    Verify the detached signature using your PGP utility.
    Issue the following commands as root:
    [FreeBSD 4.x]
    # cd /usr/src
    # patch -p < /path/to/patch
    # cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/ntp
    # make all install
    [FreeBSD 3.x]
    # cd /usr/src
    # patch -p < /path/to/patch
    # cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/xntpd
    # make all install
    Finally, if ntpd is already running then kill and restart the ntpd
    daemon: perform the following command as root:
    # kill -KILL `cat /var/run/` && /usr/sbin/ntpd
    [Ports collection]
    Use one of the following options to upgrade the ntpd software, then
    kill and restart the ntpd daemon if it is already running.
    To kill and restart the ntpd daemon, perform the following command as
    # kill -KILL `cat /var/run/` && /usr/local/sbin/ntpd
    1) Upgrade your entire ports collection and rebuild the ntpd port.
    2) Deinstall the old package and install a new package dated after the
    correction date, obtained from:
    NOTE: It may be several days before updated packages are available.
    Packages are not automatically generated for the alpha architecture at
    this time due to lack of build resources.
    3) download a new port skeleton for the ntpd port from:
    and use it to rebuild the port.
    4) Use the portcheckout utility to automate option (3) above. The
    portcheckout port is available in /usr/ports/devel/portcheckout or the
    package can be obtained from:
    Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (FreeBSD)
    Comment: FreeBSD: The Power To Serve
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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