Re: SUN SOLARIS 5.6/5.7 FTP Globbing Exploit !

From: Konrad Rieck (krat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 12:13:13 PDT

  • Next message: Marcus Butler: "Re: multiple vulnerabilities in Alcatel Speed Touch DSL modems"

    On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 05:50:39PM +0200, Johnny Cyberpunk wrote:
    > This Problem could allow an attacker to execute code on the stack and gain
    > access to the system.
    You should take a look at the source of Solaris. It's free and designed to
    assist in such situations. gdb logs don't help that much.
    The problem occurs in the function expand() that is called from the
    following functions: glob() -> collect() -> acollect() -> expand().
    The segmentation fault is caused by copying the global variable home to
    gpath. home is NULL if gethdir() hasn't been called or returned an error.
    strcpy() fails.
    Expanding the CWD command with more arguments, e.g. cwd ~/ffffffff...
    doesn't affect the home variable, this problem is not a buffer overflow.
    It's very unlikely that a NULL pointer in home can be used to place any code
    on the stack. I don't believe that there will be a proof of concept for
    exploiting this vulnerablitity to gain any privileges. But I am willing to
    learn... ;)
    Konrad Rieck <krat_private>
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