Advisory for Lotus Domino webserver

From: neme-dhcat_private
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 07:50:40 PDT

  • Next message: Sven C. Koehler: "Re: Solaris ipcs vulnerability"

     [ Advisory for Lotus Domino webserver             ]
     [ Lotus Domino is made by Lotus.                  ]
     [ Site:                      ]
     [ by nemesystm of the DHC                         ]
     [ ( - neme-dhcat_private) ]
     [ ADV-0101                                        ]
    Lotus Domino is a webserver. It has a simple
    physical path revealing problem.
    /-|=[who is vulnerable]=|-\
    Lotus-Domino Release-4.6.2
    Lotus-Domino Release-4.6.3
    Lotus-Domino Release-4.6.6
    The above are versions I am sure of, but I assume
    most 4.6.x and lower version are vulnerable.
    for some reason Lotus-Domino Release-5.0.2
    sometimes showed the physical path and sometimes it
    did not. I do not know the reason for this.
    NOT vulnerable is
    Lotus-Domino Release-4.6.7(Intl)
    Lotus-Domino Release-5.0.3
    Lotus-Domino Release-5.0.4
    Lotus-Domino Release-5.0.5
    Lotus-Domino Release-5.0.6
    This works on both NT and non-NT computers.
    /-|=[testing it]=|-\
    To test this vulnerability, try the following.
    This should give you a error with a physical path.
    Seeing as this can be fixed by upgrading I did not
    e-mail Lotus.
    Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at

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