Advisory for SimpleServer:WWW (analogX)

From: neme-dhcat_private
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 07:51:29 PDT

  • Next message: dynamo: "Re: new advisory"

     [ Advisory for SimpleServer:WWW (analogX)                           ]
     [ SimpleServer:WWW is made by Analogx. Site: ]
     [ by nemesystm of the DHC                                           ]
     [ ( - neme-dhcat_private)                   ]
     [ ADV-0103                                                          ]
    SimpleServer:WWW is a webserver. It has a simple denial of service problem.
    /-|=[who is vulnerable]=|-\
    Tested to be vulnerable:
    SimpleServer:WWW v1.03
    SimpleServer:WWW v1.05
    SimpleServer:WWW v1.08
    This only affects computers running Windows Millennium or Windows 98.
    I assume any version between v1.03 and v.108 will be vulnerable to this
    as well.
    /-|=[testing it]=|-\
    To test this vulnerability, try the following.
    Wait until you are sure this is sent to the server (timeout can take a while).
    Then try to refresh It should be down.
    After notifying AnalogX about this bug a new version was released the
    same day. Download version 1.13 to fix this problem. Thanks to Mark
    for a extremely quick reply.
    Free, encrypted, secure Web-based email at

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Apr 17 2001 - 12:24:56 PDT