iplanet calendar server 5.0p2 exposes Netscape Admin Server master password

From: Adam Laurie (adamat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 07:01:15 PDT

  • Next message: Alfred Huger: "Netscape SmartDownload 1.3 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability"

    at the time of writing, 5.0p2 is the currently available revision on
    iplanet's download site.
    the problem:
    the standard install of iPlanet Calendar server stores the NAS LDAP
    admin username and password in plaintext in the world readable file:
    -rw-r--r--   1 icsuser  icsgroup   37882 Feb 20 10:18
    in the fields
      local.authldapbinddn (username)
      local.authldapbindcred (password)
    this potentially gives all local users full read/write access to the
    underlying NAS LDAP database (which is normally used for admin
    facilities such as storing user / group profiles, passwords, ACLs, SSL
    certificates and/or other sensitive company information), and full
    administrative control of the local NAS server. this access could in
    turn lead to compromise of other facilities such as web/e-commerce
    sites, directories etc.
    i believe that the default install of the underlying NAS LDAP server and
    associated administration packages allow remote admin via tcp/ip, so
    other remote compromises that allow reading of world readable files (or
    any other disclosures of the above file contents) could lead to full
    remote read/write access of the NAS LDAP database and full remote
    administrative control of the server.
    this was reported to iplanet at the end of february 2001, who requested
    i submit it to netscape's online bug-tracking system which i did on 3rd
    march. i have heard nothing from them since. i have not personally
    investigated or tested any fix for this.
    Adam Laurie                   Tel: +44 (20) 8742 0755
    A.L. Digital Ltd.             Fax: +44 (20) 8742 5995
    Voysey House                  http://www.thebunker.net
    Barley Mow Passage            http://www.aldigital.co.uk
    London W4 4GB                 mailto:adamat_private
    UNITED KINGDOM                PGP key on keyservers

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