Re: Oracle 8 denial of service

From: Dave Lee (daverleeat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 12:13:39 PDT

  • Next message: Toni Lassila: "Re: XML scripting in IE, Outlook Express"

    I attempted to run the exploit against Oracle,
    8.0.6 and 8.1.7(8i) listeners running on a Sun SPARC
    Solaris 2.7 and an Oracle 7.34 Server on NT (SP6).
    The only result was a "TNS-12502: TNS:listener
    received no CONNECT_DATA from client" entry in the
    listener logfiles.
    Oracle has had some DoS issues in the past but it was
    dealing with the Oracle Application Server, not the
    database listener.  Most of the database listener
    issues have been due to lack of password protection.
    Can you post the exact version of Oracle, with
    patchset, that you are running on the NT server?
    - Dave Lee
    >Attached is a little perl-script, which makes
    >TNSLSNR80.EXE consume all
    >available cpu-time so the computer becomes unusable.
    >It works on
    >Oracle 8 servers running Windows NT 4.0 (SP6) and
    >does not require any
    >authentication credentials to succeed. I have not
    >tried it on any other versions
    >or platforms.
    >In case this is a known problem -> sorry. A quick
    >search didn't turn
    >up anything...
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