Re: SECURITY.NNOV: The Bat! <cr> bug

From: Nick FitzGerald (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 01:42:34 PDT

  • Next message: Guy Poizat: "Re: Oracle8 denial of service"

    Peter van Dijk <peterat_private> wrote:
    > > ... but is not the real problem here that
    > > SMTP servers accept non-compliant messages in the first place **and
    > > pass them on thus**?
    > Not at all. SMTP servers are concerned with RFC821 (SMTP), not RFC822
    > (message format). The only place where SMTP and RFC822 touch is in the
    > adding of Received headers. Everything else is purely between the
    > original sender and the final recipient.
    Well, that is a generous reading of RFC821 -- generous if you are an
    SMTP server author.  RFC821 does not make much sense "on its own" --
    what is the use of such a constrained file transfer protocol?
    Careful reading of RFC821 shows it was designed expressly (albeit
    poorly) for the transfer of RFC822 format messages in a relatively
    network independent way.  For example, just one of many oddities is
    that it is the the *transport protocol* (RFC821) that defines the
    maximum line length a mail message can have, whereas RFC822 says
    lines can be of infinite length.
    How do we *know* RFC821 wwas written with RFC822 "expressly" in mind?
    Read RFC821.  Note how many times when it talks about the "data
    transmission" part of the protocol it uses the term "mail data" to
    refer to what is being transferred.  Now look up "mail data" entry in
    RFC821's Glossary section:
          mail data
          A sequence of ASCII characters of arbitrary length, which conforms
          to the standard set in the Standard for the Format of ARPA
          Internet Text Messages (RFC 822 [2]).
    > Lots of MTA's, however, try to enforce RFC821 compliance on
    > SMTP-received and -transferred messages. All of them fail miserably,
    > mutilating messages in the process and basically harming
    > interoperability and message integrity.
    Well, I guess the blame for that partly falls on the architects of
    these mutually conflicting, yet interwoven, RFCs.  You see, despite
    your claim that such "mutilating" should not be done, RFC821
    disagrees with you:
          4.5.3.  SIZES
             There are several objects that have required minimum maximum
             sizes.  That is, every implementation must be able to receive
             objects of at least these sizes, but must not send objects
             larger than these sizes.
              *                                                  *
              *  OF THESE OBJECTS SHOULD BE USED.                *
              *                                                  *
    Ignoring the not entirely mixed-messages just from that small section
    of RFC821 alone, recall that RFC822 says nothing about limits on line
    sizes (and, in fact, explicitly defines a line as of potentially
    infinite length), but a few lines below the preceding, after
    describing some of the minimum maxima for header lines and the like,
    we read in RFC821:
                text line
                   The maximum total length of a text line including the
                   <CRLF> is 1000 characters (but not counting the leading
                   dot duplicated for transparency).
    This clearly imposes an upper limit on the allowable line length of
    the "mail data" part of an RFC821 (i.e. SMTP) message transmission,
    yet RFC822, in defining the format of the messages RFC821's protocol
    was expressly intended to transfer says nothing about line length
    maxima (in fact, it defines them as infinite).
    Now, what is an SMTP server following the absolute requirement of the
    RFC821 dictate "must not send object longer than these sizes" to do
    when the "mail data" (aka an RFC822 compliant text message) contains
    a line longer than 1000 characters?
    Hard to say.  The RFC says the server *must not* send it but it
    provides **no** directions on what to do should the circumstance
    arise (not even weaker forms of guidance in the forms of "shoulds" or
    At least one popular SMTP server chops such lines at 1000 chars (or
    perhaps at the nearest whitespace preceding the 1000 char position?)
    and adds an "X-" header warning to the message that it contained
    overlong lines that were truncated.  As far as I'm conerned, that is
    perfectly valid according to RFC821, but tough luck to users of Email
    clients whose authors only ever read RFC822 and create "compatible"
    messages with a "line break" at the end of each paragraph only (or
    don't apply quoted-printable encoding to their abominable HTML Email)
    if their messages have to traverse a relay running such *standards
    compliant* SMTP server software...
    > Programs should not crash or allow security violations when
    > presented with unexpected input.  So while the SMTP servers probably
    > shouldn't be passing along these messages, nor should the email
    > clients be crashing.
    I agree the clients shouldn't crash when processing "out of bounds"
    input, but the point would be all but moot if the servers were doing
    what they should.
    Nick FitzGerald

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