Re: Permanently remove iis printer mapping

From: David LeBlanc (dleblancat_private)
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 20:04:43 PDT

  • Next message: Russ: "Re: Windows 2000 .printer remote overflow proof of concept exploi t"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Bugtraq List [mailto:BUGTRAQat_private]On Behalf Of
    > railwayclubposseat_private
    > How do you permanently remove the .printer mapping in IIS5?
    > If you remove
    > it with the MMC tool it comes back (and so does the virtual
    > directory) upon
    > reboot.
    Turn off the spooler service, then remove the mapping. I have long
    recommended turning off things you don't need on web servers. Almost any
    internet-exposed web server doesn't need to be printing to or from just
    about anything.
    The functionality is put there so that you can manage your printer from a
    browser - if you're really doing that, the only option is to apply the
    BTW, when I tested this on my system at work, I removed the mapping, did not
    disable spooler, rebooted and the mapping did not come back. I'm not sure
    why this is. I know others had the same experience as the poster, so this
    work-around does work.

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