.printer vulnerability needs execute perms?

From: mark (markat_private)
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 10:04:35 PDT

  • Next message: bashis: "Cisco HSRP Weakness/DoS"

    Hash: SHA1
    I tested an IIS5 server for this vulnerability and was not able to
    exploit without script or execute permissions.  I have a couple
    questions with regard to this.
    1.  Is there any current way of exploiting this vulnerability when
    there is no scripting or execution allowed?
    2.  Does a default IIS5 install allow scripting or execution?  The
    reason I ask this is because I see this vulnerability as a default
    install problem mainly, and good admins removed that ISAPI scriptmap
    long ago.
    I am analyzing whether an IIS5 server without hotfixes/patches that
    was installed with best practices in mind is still secure, it seems
    to me that every exploit so far has been stopped dead in its tracks
    by the following of simple 'best practices' from Microsoft.  Between
    separate disk partitions and removal of unneeded ISAPI extensions, a
    lot of security is added.  Please email me if you have any input or
    thoughts on this.
    Thank you for your time,
    Hektik.org Security Team
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